REMEDIES RELA-1 ESE Lightning Arrester
Remedies ESE lightning rod with an Early Streamer Emission system has as a target anticipate it to the lightning strike, in order to protect all the rest of the area. The operating principle is the same as a simple rod, but an additional ionization system getting cover a greater protection radius.
Remedies ESE lightning conductor protect actively on a large scale and are reliable. The Ion generator inside allows the lightning conductor to intercept and catch potentially dangerous lightning strike earlier than simple rod conductors and grounded safely.
Active lightning rods are also known early streamer emission systems and called ESE Active Lightning Rods. Principle of the active lightning rods is rising up the electrical field strength depending on the electrical charge or the air. Thus protection from negative or positive lighting kinds is provided. The latest version of said protection is quite common nowadays in all ever the World. Main working principle is to catch and forward the lightning into the ground safely before it discharges to the ground directly. In this respect lightning capture rate (T) is very important for a lightning rod performance. Due to created electrical field in the air, active lightning rod is preparing a guide way to the ground for lighting and as they do not ionize the air, all unnecessary discharge risks are eliminated. Active lightning rods (ESE) obtain their energy from the electrostatic and electromagnetic Field intensity changes.
Creates an upward leader farther away thanks to the extra ionization of the ESE lightning rod, which is activated by the electromagnetic field produced by the storm. The ESE attracts the lightning to its tip, then the down-conductors conduct the current discharge to the grounding system keeping the entire installation protected.
This ionization, allows to the active protection, to have a greater protection radius. With this methodology we managed to cover not only the structure but also its surroundings or open areas.